Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Raising Good Kids

(Handsome and Angel with a couple of their cousins)

How do I raise good kids? 

I've been thinking a lot about that lately. Not that I didn't think about it before and try to be a good mother, but I think I've finally realized that it's ok that I'm not perfect at being a mother. God does not expect me to be perfect at it, no one is perfect at it. In fact, part of my being here on earth is to learn through experience.

The thought struck me the other day, almost like a bolt of lightning, that it was ok to go to others and other resources for help. Odd that something like that would be such a revelation, but I think that I got so caught up thinking about the fact that I was failing so miserably in many areas of motherhood that I filled my life with so many distractions - in order to avoid the anxiety of it all.

Funny how something like being diagnosed with cancer would finally help me to understand, but it truly has. I've just recently stumbled upon (or really I should say I've been guided to) some excellent parenting resources. I'm sure they were there all along, but finally I'm seeing them. My heart has truly changed and I'm seeing and experiencing so much more fully - the absolute joy in being a mother!

Here is an awesome article I found that just completely struck a chord with me and my feelings on parenthood: Five Things We Know For Sure About Raising Great Kids What do you think?

Friday, June 22, 2012


Disaster hit a little too close to home this weekend.

With the fire so close, my sweetheart and I quickly went through the house to grab what we thought we should take with us - just in case.

As we went through the house, an odd thing occurred. We passed up the big screen tv, the appliances, the jewelry, the decorations . . . in fact, we were scratching our heads - trying to think of anything else to take. We got the major documents, the photos and scrapbooks, a couple tubs of memory keepsakes, my husband's missionary scriptures - and that was about it.

We looked around - all the rest really didn't matter. Sure, it would not be ideal or enjoyable to lose our home and all our comforts of life, but when it came to what was really important - only a few things really mattered.

There's nothing like being faced with losing what you have, that makes you truly realize what matters most.

"As we turn to our Heavenly Father and seek His wisdom regarding the things that matter most, we learn over and over again the importance of four key relationships: with our God, with our families, with our fellowman, and with ourselves.

We would do well to slow down a little, proceed at the optimum speed for our circumstances, focus on the significant, lift up our eyes, and truly see the things that matter most.

Strength comes not from frantic activity but from being settled on a firm foundation of truth and light. It comes from placing our attention and efforts on the basics of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. It comes from paying attention to the divine things that matter most."  
-Dieter F Uchtdorf, Of Things That Matter Most

Image Credit:

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Surprised, Spoiled . . . and Loving Every Minute!

Another one of my great blessings is to be surrounded and loved by so many wonderful friends! My dear friend Alice threw me a surprise baby shower. I was so surprised - I had no idea! 

Alice and I - such an amazing friend - amidst all the pain and major discomfort she's experiencing (from stage 4 brain cancer) - she never fails to think more of others than herself. She told me she wanted me to have a special, happy day to celebrate our little miracle.

Kim, Myself, and Nicole (the pregnant trio)

Angel, My (goofy but so cute) Sweetheart, and Handsome

Just after Alice broke the news of the surprise (I thought I was going to just a family barbecue)

Myself and Carlene

Shannon, Myself, and Rhonda
Alison and I

Opening one of the many wonderful gifts!

Jodi and I  

Dani and I 

The awesome cake! Yumm!!

Thanks Alice and everyone! It was absolutely wonderful!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Making the Decision

There has been a lot to think about over the past couple of months. At times I have felt like my mind was whirling round and round, like the blur you feel on an amusement park ride. 

I didn't realize that the decision of what to do next would be so much up to me. I thought the doctors would just tell me what needed to be done. Unfortunately with cancer, everything is not always black and white. That's probably the hardest thing about all of this - not completely knowing what the future holds. 

Is it all completely gone? Will it come back? Is the other half of my thyroid completely clear?

The surgeon believes I do not need to do anything else but be monitored yearly.

My endocrinologist feels strongly that after the baby is born, that I need to have the rest of my thyroid removed and also have radioactive iodine treatments. She believes the size of the cancer (1.8 cm) and my family history (my uncle passed away from metastasized thyroid cancer), are both reasons to make sure all of the thyroid cells in my body are removed.

The oncologist at The Huntsman Cancer Institute was in the middle but leaned more the way my surgeon did. He believed that the cancer was all removed and he didn't think that removing the thyroid would prevent any further cancer from forming. At the same time though, he said that the decision was not black and white. Cancer can return - there is that possibility. And, that ultimately, I needed to be the one to make this decision.

I have been mulling all of this and so much more over in my head for the past couple of months. I've done a lot of praying. What is the best thing to do? What is my answer? 

Some answers to prayers come as exact commands "You need to do this . . . ." but others I'm coming to understand come through impressions and feelings. When I met with the surgeon and the oncologist, I left feeling confused, frustrated, and at a loss of what to do. When I met with the 
endocrinologist, I felt peace, clarity, understanding, and reassurance. 

I did not realize it at first, but that was my answer. 

"For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace." 1 Corinthians 14:33

And since this realization, I've had another spiritual experience that added to this confirmation.

After the baby is born, I will have the rest of my thyroid removed and take the radioactive iodine. I am completely at peace with that decision. 

Monday, June 18, 2012

My Sweetheart!

I must say that one of my very best blessings from heaven is my husband!

Today, he decided to take the day off work, and how did he decide to spend it? Helping me clean the house!!! I am one blessed little lady! Love you sweetheart!