Thursday, June 21, 2012

Surprised, Spoiled . . . and Loving Every Minute!

Another one of my great blessings is to be surrounded and loved by so many wonderful friends! My dear friend Alice threw me a surprise baby shower. I was so surprised - I had no idea! 

Alice and I - such an amazing friend - amidst all the pain and major discomfort she's experiencing (from stage 4 brain cancer) - she never fails to think more of others than herself. She told me she wanted me to have a special, happy day to celebrate our little miracle.

Kim, Myself, and Nicole (the pregnant trio)

Angel, My (goofy but so cute) Sweetheart, and Handsome

Just after Alice broke the news of the surprise (I thought I was going to just a family barbecue)

Myself and Carlene

Shannon, Myself, and Rhonda
Alison and I

Opening one of the many wonderful gifts!

Jodi and I  

Dani and I 

The awesome cake! Yumm!!

Thanks Alice and everyone! It was absolutely wonderful!

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